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characteristics of software engineering

characteristics of software engineering

characteristics of software engineering ,characteristics of software
characteristics of software engineering

1.      Software is developed or engineered, it is not manufactured in classical sense :

Engineering/developing and manufacturing both are logically different in working pattern and providing end product. While for getting good quality of either hardware or software a good design is compulsory. But in manufacturing phase of hardware, a quality problem can introduce if proper attention is not paid at the time of manufacturing as once a product is manufactured it cannot be modified easily. While this type of problem does not exist in case of software as it can be easily modified and errors can be removed at the same movement.

2.      Software does not wear out :

In introduction stage of both hardware and software, there are chances of high failure rate. Defects are corrected and then failure rate is reduced and steady state comes. In case of hardware after some time this failure rate start rising again as the hardware parts begin to wear out with time which may caused by cumulative effect of duct, sudden temperature change (high/low), vibration and other environmental maladies. This failure rate of hardware in relation with time form a tub like curve which is also called “bath tub curve”.
In case of software, these failure are due to some undiscovered errors but once the errors are corrected the curve become flat and continue at the same rate until its features become obsolete which is called idealized curve. In real practice this ideal curve is not possible because software does not wear out but it becomes deteriorate and requires some maintenance (changes).

3.      Most software is custom-built rather than being assembled from existing components:

Nowadays industries are moving towards component based assembly of product whish means all products are not manufactured at the same place. This type of design uses some already manufactured hardware element available in the market. So that designer can concentrate on truly innovative element of design. While software is designed as per the requirement of the user.

4.      Software is intangible :

Intangible product are those products which we cannot touch and whose quality cannot be measured until the whole product is checked.

characteristics of software engineering characteristics of software engineering Reviewed by Shubham Rathor on February 14, 2019 Rating: 5

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